FREE Webinar -

Regain Confidence and Connection with Your ADHD Child

If you're feeling lost in ADHD parenting, you're most likely missing what I'm about to reveal in my mini training - Absolutely FREE!

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Meet May.

I'm May, your guide in the world of parenting ADHD kids.

I used to be a teacher, and now I'm the founder of Wonderkiz, which specializes in tools for ADHD kids. I'm also a mom to three awesome kids, one of whom has ADHD, ODD, and more.

In my six years of parenting with ADHD, I've learned a lot about the ups and downs. In 2020, things got tough, and that's when I decided to help other parents like you.

My mission is simple: to support and empower you with my knowledge and experiences. No more feelings of loneliness & guilt. I'll guide you to go through this complex ADHD parenting journey!

Let's make your parenting journey smoother together! Join me in this adventure, where we learn, laugh, cry and grow.

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